Sunday, October 01, 2006

A Drink for Ms. Toguri

Iva Toguri died on Tuesday. Today, serendipitously, I created a new cocktail, and I have decided to name it in her honor (or more precisely, in memory of her wartime nickname).

Tokyo Rosé*

*Apparently there already is a Tokyo Rose cocktail, but please note the accent on mine that distinguishes it from your garden variety English word.

Toguri was a Japanese American who got stuck in Japan during WWII. Upon her return to the U.S., she was convicted of being a traitor for taking part in Japanese radio propaganda. She was pardoned in 1977 by President Ford. Toguri maintained that she deliberately used her position to create ineffective propaganda, using an outrageously heavyhanded tone that was easily dismissed by any Americans listening.

In contrast, this cocktail needs a light hand with the ingredients. It's not very alcoholic, so you can mix yourself up a pitcher and drink it while listening to the radio.

1/2 tsp rosewater
1 1/2 tbsp raspberry syrup
1 c. sparkling water
1 shot sake
A grape

1) Mix the first four ingredients.
2) Pour into martini glass
3) Drop in the grape.
4) Watch the fun grape dance!
5) Think about WWII.
6) Drink!


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